دانلود من عاشق تو هستم 82Trust from the social media account, "Channel D, next week will not be published this season will be published in the last part of this season and will take a break. I would like to thank all my colleagues for their efforts," he explained.
Buket Aydın Hincal Uluç Criticizes Him Hard Response
Buket Aydin, who criticized Hıncal Uluç responded very hard. Aydin, "Since he is my grandfather, I would not want to open the past and offended." said.
من عاشق تو هستم۸۲ Sabah newspaper writer Hıncal Uluç, in his article for the first time, carried CNN Türk's "40" program with Buket Aydın's presentation. Uluç, the program's guest, praised footballer Arda Turan, and criticized the program presenter Buket Aydın very sharply.
In his article, Buket Aydin stating that he did not watch for the program Uluç, the famous server "I have a flaw .. I can not look at the artificial face. Therefore, to be themselves, botoks and silicone silly faces with silly, unsightly masks wearing as well as how I loved the face of my loved ones no longer face to face "I'm doing the best." Also, the ratings of Kanal D Haber are also low.