دانلود من عاشق تو هستم 73Demet Akbağ described the accident that led to the death of producer Uzay Hepari in 1994: It sounded great. For the first time, something happened to me. Suddenly, he stopped. It was like he was coming and coming around behind me. Then I got out of my car. A child lay on the floor, I didn't recognize him. There was a taxi. When I got her in the car I noticed that there was Space. He was breathing until he went to the hospital.
من عاشق تو هستم۷۳ Successful actress Demet Akbağ'ın, 20-year wife Zafer Çika'nun lost in a traffic accident on the highway in Izmir, the mind of Demet Akbağ'ın car crashed into the space Hepari'yi brought to the car.
The space Hepari had learned that one day before his death, he would have a son. His son, Uzay Kanat Hepari, who attracted attention due to his father's similarities, is currently acting. (The leftmost Space Wing Hepari)